This will be an all day event of celebrating the 40 years of psychotherapy and counselling practise at Wellspring. It has been an immense journey for many people, including practitioners; clients, clinical management, board members and administration staff. The ‘therapeutic’ journey for individuals as well as the collective of Wellspring; goes through many points of change and transitions. When we explore life through different perspectives
the cognitive and imaginative come into play, as we notice and mark significant events which have brought us to the present and takes us into the future.
We invite you on this day to come and reflect on your own journey, the events that you have met on the way of becoming, which we hope will also include joy, creativity and celebration.
We shall offer 4 workshops to guide us on this journey:
An initial gathering in ‘Mapping Your Journey’ and resourcing.
The drama of life
Art making
Earth Psychotherapy
Dream work
End of day gathering and sharing.
Also, we are inviting people to bring lunch to share.
We hope you can join us!
Wellspring, 13 Smith’s Place, Edinburgh, EH6 8NT Tel: 0131 553 6660